Catherine A. Allen
1076 Junction Rd
Berlin VT, 05602
(802) 223-0402
Education Credentials:
Community College of Vermont, Associates, graduation spring, 2005
UVM 1998-2000, Undergraduate degree in Nutrition
First aid/CPR certification
Relevant Coursework:
Multiculturalism in Education
Foundations of Education
Introduction to Exceptional Populations
Educational Psychology
Instructional Technologies in Education
Health Education
Nutritional Education
Teaching Experience:
(Fall 2004-Current) 1-on-1 special education Para educator. Instructed
special education student with Downs Syndrome in a normal classroom setting including LRE, (Least Restrictive Environment).
Developed a daily schedule and lesson plan which use a variety of assistive technology. Teaching life skills. Implement ASL,
(American Sign Language into class to help peers communicate with young boy.)
(Summer 2004-current) Special educational provider. Supervise
and provide opportunities to teach life skills to young woman with various disabilities in real-life hands on settings.
Leadership Experience:
(Spring 2002-current) Coach 5-8 grade girls through a program called
Run Girl Run (RGR). RGR is funded by the state of Vermont and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont. This program helps coaches
to build teams by incorporating healthy eating, life long activities and a positive model of self esteem into everyday life.
Teams are built of approximately 10-17 girls. Coaches train and work with girls to prepare them for a 5K, 3.1 mi. race for
the cure of breast cancer at the end of every summer. This program is work done with the community and does not pay, nor does
it cost the girls any money.
Computer Skills:
Comfortable using Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word. Typing speed 68 wpm.
Outdoors activities such as backcountry skiing, cross-country skiing,
pond hockey, cycling, running, swimming, kayaking, hiking, fishing, ultimate Frisbee, and traveling. Working with children
who love the outdoors.